About us

About us


Veritas ESCO is the first private ESCO company in the Republic of Croatia in the field of modernization/reconstruction of public lighting. The company has been founded in 2013 when the expert team recognized the need to modernize more than 80% of public lighting in Republic of Croatia. Many years of experience of employees as well as the company associates in the field of public lighting service, engineering design and production activities, and also the thorough knowledge of applicable rules and regulations has resulted in a well-established professional team that is able to solve all the most challenging problems of modernization of public lighting.



The vision of the Veritas ESCO company is to be a modern, flexible and innovative company, recognized for the quality of services, able to adjust services to each customer and to respect the agreed delivery terms of the works performed. The company wants to assert herself as the market leader in providing energy services in the field of public lighting.



Veritas ESCO company’s mission is to create added value by improving the quality of life of the population in the municipalities and cities via reconstruction/modernization of street lighting, providing energy services and guaranteeing energy savings, optimal illumination and a healthier environment. Using most advanced technology, predominatly from its own production, the company will thus contribute to the implementation of energy efficiency measures, and energy saving for local government and the local population, providing a healthier environment by reducing light pollution but also to keep the principles of business excellence and respecting high environmental standards.


We have all relevant certificates, and constant control by an accredited house in the EU guarantees safe and high quality product and also providing high-quality energy services.



In Croatian legislation ESCO is known as the providing of energy service

In general the term ESCO means a model of implementing measures of improving energy efficiency in which a private ESCO company develops a project to improve energy efficiency, invests their own funds in the implementation of energy efficiency measures, technology and work on the property of the client and by the implementation of modern technology it increase energy efficiency and achieves energy savings for the client, and the compensation for investing their own funds is paid back exclusively from those achieved savings. ESCO model refers to buildings, heating and public lighting.



Veritas ESCO company’s mission is to create added value by improving the quality of life of the population in the municipalities and cities via reconstruction/modernization of street lighting, providing energy services and guaranteeing energy savings, optimal illumination and a healthier environment. Using most advanced technology, predominatly from its own production, the company will thus contribute to the implementation of energy efficiency measures, and energy saving for local government and the local population, providing a healthier environment by reducing light pollution but also to keep the principles of business excellence and respecting high environmental standards.


Contact us

Feel free to contact us, we are available for all questions

Mejaši 2
21000 Split : HR

Tel: +385(0)21 544 312
